Darya Domracheva: «Probably, I would have never thought about designing a jumpsuit, if I had not been so active myself. Most of my life I spend on the road so to say. Cities and countries flash before my eyes, as you constantly find yourself flying or driving some place. Above that all I’m a young mother who spends as much time as possible with my daughter Xenia. We love our long nice walks in the parks! And whenever you have to get ready in no time jumpsuits are so comfortable and easy to dive into; total freedom of movement!
During my off-season I have two trainings a day, and after an intense work-out I want to feel that pure comfort, so I dive into the jumpsuit, zip it up and ran home. It is so easy!
And that is why my starting point for this design was simplicity and comfort. Each and every one of us is always in a rush to complete his or her thousand tasks for the day, but how nice it is to get it done with comfort! I say, this season a jumpsuit is my personal must-have!»