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Darya Domracheva – Rules of Life

By Wednesday June 21st, 2017 No Comments

Life is not about pursuing success. The best orienting point in life is the level of happiness.

It’s foolish just to sit there waiting for something great to come along. We are what we think and do.

You shouldn’t give up until you try hard.

Pay attention only to good signs and superstitions.

Actions and decisions based on your inner sense are always the right ones.

Keep on moving, keep on exploring the world around you!

Don’t be afraid to try things, to give yourself and your hobby a chance. Do what you really love.

How to stop putting off yoga or visit to the gym from one Monday to another? Well think of it this way: clothing is like a little bridge linking you to sport. For instance, you bought a buff or a headband. You like them, you want to wear them as they are super cool, so you have no other choice as to just do it, just go and do yoga, run, swim – whatever floats your boat.

Great training clears your head, brings positive thinking, energize your body for which it will be very thankful and makes all insolvable situations solvable in 3 seconds.

You keep on going… Meanwhile your life, your habits, your social circle and your interests change.

There is one approach in any affair. You should have a clear plan and understanding of what you do, where you want to be, what you want to achieve and what you feel.

The goal is important and so is the journey with your own mistakes and lessons, as this journey is your life.

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